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Hello, you are not alone


What is Grief?  Grief is a multifaceted response to loss, particularly to the loss of someone that has died for which a bond of affection was formed. Although conventional thinking focuses on the emotional response to loss, it also has physical, cognitive, behavioral, social, cultural, spiritual and philosophical dimensions.


There are as many responses to grief as there are people.  Everyone will have a different response at different times.  There is no correct way to grieve and no way to "fix it".  There may be confusion and some people may find it difficult to concentrate.  Some people may have difficulty sleeping, which can lead to physical symptoms such as tiredness, loss of appetite, nausea or pain.  


Our beliefs may be challenged or changed.  There may be intense, overwhelming feelings. Shock, chaos, sadness, anger, anxiety, disbelief, panic, relief, numbness or even guilt.


Just remember, it's okay not to be okay.







How long does it Take?


Grief has no timeline.  It is not unusual for grief to be felt over an extended period of time even for many years.  Sometimes after a period of feeling good, we find ourselves experiencing sadness, despair or anger.  This is often the nature of grief, it may happen over and over.

This is normal.

The grieving process


Some people want to express their grief through crying or talking.  Others may be reluctant to talk and prefer to keep busy.  It is important to respect your own and other's way of grieving.

Helping yourself heal


Grief is like a journey to an unknown destination.  

Try not to make big decisions too soon.

Create a memorial or do something to honour the person.

Develop your own rituals, something as simple as lighting a candle.

Allow yourself the space and time and know that it is okay to grieve.

Grief counseling


There are some wonderful resources locally if you feel you are not coping.  You can see your local doctor who can refer you or ring one of the referrals listed below.  Private counseling is also available.

Where can I find more information?


There are a number of information resources available for download:

Australia Centre for Grief and Bereavement - 

1800642 066

Lifeline:  131114

Kids Helpline 1800 55 1800

Mensline:  1300 789978

Parentline:  130030 1300

Beyone Blue:  1300 22 4636





  •          Phone:  0488 559595 or 0428 335271

6 Briner Street, Bellingen, 2454 NSW                                                                                                        

Barefoot Funerals/Funeral Directors is an inclusive business - all are welcome here                                  

Barefoot Funerals acknowledges the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people as                                        

the traditional custodians of the lands on which our services take place and are arranged.                               

We pay our respects to Elders, past, present and emerging.   


Funeral DIrector Bellingen, Funeral Director Dorrigo, Funeral Director Urunga,

Funeral Director Valla, Funeral Director Nambucca, Funeral Director Bowraville, Funeral Director Coffs Harbour                                                                         






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